Green wreaths of the forest - Tršće Trsceis located on a spacious Plateau. Tršće area is hilly and surrounded by green forest. Thisidyllic pictureis a natural bait for visitors whocan not resistto the beauty and the feeling of peace and relaxation. There are smaller cities scatteredover the hilly terrain around Tršće. Trsce is not far away from Čabar. Trsce has immense natural beauty. The natural beauty of this region ensures a large number of outdoor activities. Deep forests are rich in wildlife. Hunters are comming very often here. Thehunting grounds, imperial hunting lodgeand observation decksare perfect forthis activity. If you decide to enjoy hunting, you need the consent of the local hunting association. Trscehas much of iron ore.Therefore, Čabarska ironworkswere built. Local peopleare in this sector employed. In the vicinity of Tršće we find several mines where iron ore is obtained. Each of these mines is available foratour. At the entrance to the mine stands t...
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