Fisher's paradise - Tribalj Tribalj and its attractivelake area paradise for the lovers of fishing. Holiday for body and soul, sodescribesevery fisher his love for fishing. History of Tribalj goes back to the beginning of the eighth century. A large number of historical sculptures, documents and other exhibits are preserved in the Museum of the History and PomorskiMuseumin Rijeka. In these cultural centers you can learn about the beginningsof the introduction of the Glagolitic scriptand Vinodol law. Tribalj and its lake attract each year a growing number of people who enjoy the many sports activities. Cycling and hiking are high estimated sports activities, and their beneficial effects on the body is undisputed. The people in search of the „Robinson lifestyle“ will find a perfect place. The nearby forests full ofanimals and wildlife. Huntersorganizehuntingevents at certain times of the year! If you want to hear hunting stories, we recommend that youto visit this interesting...
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