
Vis Island is from the mainland about 50 kilometers away . It has shape of a trapeze , and its surface is 90 square kilometers. It was built of limestone and dolomite , and to the east of eruptive rocks . Near to Vis come are located islands Jabuka, Brusnik, Svetac i Biševo. It has a very favorable geographic position and fertile fields that are located in the middle of the island and plenty of fish. In ancient times , especially in the early Stone Age , the island was the center of maritime routes and diverse cultures . In Vis have lived warlike Illyrians , who have struggled for years with the Greeks and prevented their penetration into the Adriatic . About this time there are very few historical sources . In the 4th century BC Vis became richer in historical sources , and it can be thanked to the Greek Dionysius the Elder because he founded the colony Issa in the area of today's Vis. The colony quickly developed , had their own money , and was especially known for its quality wines...

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