Tkon municipality is located in the district Zadar, and covers 15 square kilometers of land without sea, especially in the south-eastern part of the island and other Pašman thirteen islands. Tkon is the only settlement in the town of the same name. The residents are mainly working in the fisheries sector and hospitality business, so you can find interesting tavernas in Tkon. Inhabitants call their place Kun and they call themselves Kunjani. This is a place of farmers and fishers which in the past had the task to supervise the strategic entrance of the Pasman channel as part of the journey to the Holy Land of Venice. It is also famous as the seat of the Glagolitic priests brotherhood. In the second World War here were built German fortifications which were later bombed by the Allies on several occasions. Twenty people were killed thereby and the parish church of St Tomo was damaged.
Tkon , has in the municipality on the south side of the island and on the island Žižanj developed the... Robinson tourism. This part of the island has not been inhabited for rough and steep terrain, but there is a lot of private land and the olive groves. Since the olive groves are located away from the village, residents built there small stone houses which have been used for economic purposes. The small houses of the interesting form are an integral part of the island and are contributing to the tourist attractions. Accommodation is offered in a number of apartments, houses, camps and quite interesting, Robinson houses. Travel agencies take care of the accommodation and provided you with a number of options: boat rental, bicycle rental, scooter rental and many excursions to the nearby national parks.
Beauty and uniqueness of this place lies in the fact that the north side of the island has sandy beaches. From Ugrinić to Tkon direction south there are three kilometers of beach with seven coves. Public beaches are Vruljica, Ugrinić and Južnja. In the village Sovinje there is a natural phenomenon. Permanent sedimentation of sand from the rocks makes this beach irresistible.
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