View of Omišalj Omišalj is a place which is located on the island of Krk. The north-western part of the island is a long and spacious place which is extended by the bay . Omišalj is very dominant on the island, but its uniqueness is that of theRijeka bay you can see the entire city . In the night is the view of Omišalj truly spectacular. In compliment of its beauty many interesting events are taking place. About the history of this town there are prehistoric documents. The life of this small, picturesque town started off a few thousands of years ago. Also the Roman Empire was not immune to its beauty . About the remnants of the Roman Empire, and its lordship speaks Fulfinium. Many surrounding villages witnessed the collapse of the Roman Empire. Glagolitischer Scripture, this very important Scripture has its roots here. About Omisalj we can also say that it is one of the oldest places on the island so it is not to be surprisedabout the ric...
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