Pupnat is from Korcula town only 12 kilometers away, and belongs to one of five villages on the island. This is the smallest town in the interior of the island. With Korcula it is connected by bus, which does not operate daily. Residents of Pupnat mostly live in the karst area, and are mainly engaged in livestock farming, olive groves, vineyards and fishing. But nowadays the locals are trying to hire in the city, especially in the tourism industry, which is increasingly evolving. The place was first mentioned in the 1346th. There are also documents that date back to the 17th century, and suggest that in this small village lived only 22 families. In 1571st year Pupnat was the main target of the enemy, especially the Turks who have passed through this place and tried to devastate the region. They were also violent, but unfortunately in any writings there are no informations how big damage occurred during the Turkish invasions. Those who managed to save themselves fled to the hidden valle...
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