Pridraga is a place in Zadar district. It is located 35 kilometers north-east of Zadar and 5 km from Novigrad. Municipality Pridraga has its patron saint St Martin, Bishop. The old parish church has been built in the 5. rr sixth century . It consists of a main building and three apses, and has the shape of a cross. It was restored in 1924. Year. It has been heavy damaged and set on fire in the war by grenades. It was rebuilt and blessed 1997. Most of the residents work in Zadar but many are also employed in Pridraga. Pridraga is also a popular destination for tourists, especially because of its beaches. After the last census 1470 inhabitants lived in Pridraga. Since tourism is today the most lucrative business of the world is also becoming more and more common and developed in Pridraga . The backbone of the tourism of Pridraga makes pleasant climate, attractive and clean sea, and the two seas which are located in the north of the village. Karen's and Novigrad aeas are connect...
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