Seven fairies of Vodnjan South-western part of Istria is the home of the small town Vodnjan. The small town is linked together with a legend of the seven fairies. The story is within every road and every stone of the city verwoven. The historical core of Vodnjan has an authentic medieval flair. The speciality of Istria lies in its rich history. You can discover it for yourself if you simply walk through the streets and the buildings of stone. This type of construction which is typical for Middle Ages is in Vodnjan faithfully preserved. Vodnjan has succeeded to preserve its characteristic types of construction. But also the roads and pedestrian zone which were made of small boulder have a history value. In addition to historical buildings Vodnjan also maintains the traditional type of agriculture. Some of the best varieties of Olives grow here. Olive growers and wine-growers of Vodnjan are worldwide known. Good news about their products have spread throughout the world. Guests of Vo...
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