Town Labin - tourism and conservation of the environment The city Labin is located on a hill overlooking the Rabac 3 km from the sea away. It has a Mediterranean climate with an average summer temperature of 24 degrees C and 6 degrees C in winter. In 2011 11,642 inhabitants lived in Labin, 62.5 % Croats, 7.8 % Bosniaks, 2.4 of the Italians % and 2.5 % Serbs. In the year 285. is Labin mentioned for the first time under the name Albona. During the Second World War took the inhabitants of Labin part on the National Liberation, the 1300 people fall victim. After that, it became a part of the Croatia. Labin have been more than 400 years active in the mining industry. In 1999 for the last time drove two coal wagon out of the pit Tupljak. Then developed Labin economic zone and is at present aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition to the industrial parks Labin also invests in new tourist facilities. Attractions from the 16th century are the main square...
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