Garešnica is located in Bjelovar Bilogora county and according to the census in 2001. the town had 11,630 inhabitants. Garešnica has always have good secondary education. So in Garešnica children can attend several high schools including: gymnasium, tourism and hospitality, commercial, machinist and wood school. Until a few years ago in Garešnica was the school of economics, whose courses are unfortunately closed. Garešnica boasts with a successful music school. The history of the city Garesnica abounds with some very important prehistoric sites with archaeological artifacts typical of the era and culture of the wider Croatia. These data indicate a long life of Garešnica. Name Garešnica was mentioned in legend from the 12th century. During large Tatar and Mongol onslaught residents have burning fires with guards at elevated locations. They would leave soot (Gar). So says the legend, but the facts are somewhat different. All these regions particularly suffered during the Turkish ...
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