Zivogosce is a coastal village, which consists of three mutually distant villages, namely Porat, Mala Duba and Blato. They are located along the old road, and 50 meters over there are located the old parts of the village. It is 80 kilometers away from Split, 120 kilometers from Dubrovnik and 20 kilometers from Makarska. This place was inhabited since ancient days since the rule of Illyrian and Roman emperors. This is evidenced by many archeological finds at the top of the hill Suzina and remains of the house in Mala Duba and Blato. Nowadays Zivogosce counts 460 inhabitants. The village belongs to Split and Dalmatia County. With its rich history it attracts many tourists who enthusiastically visit archaeological findings. Zivogosce monastery that was destroyed 1563rd should be mentioned. Church sv. Križa has been built in 1620th, but due to its small size at this place was built a new church, which is still there. It was built simply, a wooden altar behind which lies the sacristy is lo...cated in presbytery. Monastic choir is situated above, and organ that decorate the church should also be mentioned. The monastery was built in the same year as the church, but the the Turks destroyed it1647th. Priests have realized the danger they gone from the monastery and fled in Sucuraj. After returning to Živogošće, the monastery was destroyed, but the monks did not hesitate and have renewed everything they could. This monastery stands today under state protection. After World War II the population moves closer to the sea, and in the 1967th monastic church became the church parishioners. Near the church is situated a cemetery and the parish itself is part of the Makarska Deanery of the Archdiocese of Split-Makarska. He is also known hotel Nimfa, which by its size and comfort offers quality and luxury holidays. It includes indoor and outdoor pools and offers many sporting activities such as playing tennis. Certainly important is also a camp which is situated in the area of Dole, which also offers a variety of tourist facilities.
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