
Zaostrog is a part of the municipality of Gradac , and is located in the southern part of the Makarska Riviera. Place has according to the data from 2001st year 372 inhabitants. The inhabitants are engaged in fishing, agriculture and tourism. There is a Franciscan monastery , which is more than 500 years old and has a high bell tower and a library with 30,000 books . Zaostrog was inhabited during the Roman domination of which are speaking the monuments of Aurelius Veturi . Aalso well known is Ostrog fortress , which is located at the top of a hill below Mali Viter . In the 15th century, this place was ruled by feudal dukes Vlatkovic- Jurijevići , who built a city on a mountain above the Zaostrog. In 1494th the place was first mentioned in the Croatian and Turkish. Famous are churches such as the Gothic church of Sv. Barbara , a newer church of Sv. Barbara and the church of Sv. Rok which dates from the 17th century . The famous poet Andrija Kacic Miosic spent half of his creative and a...

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