Podstrana is located in Split - Dalmatia County , southeast of the city itself in the foot of the mountain Mosor . The coastal part of the city has a very indented sandy beaches and coves . There are five villages that are part of this place: Gornja Podstrana is located at the tip of Perun with an altitude of 290-340 meters . Then Strozanac , Grljevac , Mutogras and Sveti Martin . Residents are engaged in growing grapes , citrus , figs , olives , and vegetable growing , which has attempted throughout the year . It should be said something about the history of Podstrana . History of this place contains a number of valuable data about its long past. It was located in the center of Roman Salona and Solin , Split and Poljica . This area has like all Croatian regions throughout history fought for its freedom and independence . Before the arrival of the Croats, the area of Podstrana was inhabited by Greeks and Delmats - Pituntium who were one of the Illyrian tribes . With arrival of the Croa...
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